Terry Pratchett Archive Workshop

Workshop Instructions

Terry Pratchett Archive Workshop


1. Go to christopherohge.com/education/  and click Register.

2. Create for an account with an email and password. The workshop instructor will provide you with the registration key.

3. The workshop organizers will then need to add you to the project.

Getting Started

Once you have been registered and added to the book, then click on ‘Select a book to manage’ then 'Terry Pratchett Archive Workshop'.

On the top-right of your screen, click on ‘Back to project’. This will take you to the home page, where you will click on Begin with “About this Workshop”.

(FYI: the triple-bar icon in the top-left corner shows the site’s Table of Contents.)

It would be a good idea to keep these instructions open, so in a new tab or window open the Archive Portal (also linked at the end of these instructions), which will take you to a gallery view of all the workshop images grouped under their respective categories (Illustrations, Ephemera, and Literary Material).

You could either click on the category heading to see a gallery of images or on an image thumbnail to access an image. You should then see an image with its metadata (data about the image) and annotations.

Take a moment to examine the metadata: what is missing? What additional information or relationships could be documented?

Annotating and Creating Content

Click on the blue View Media Page button.

You should see the image in the following interface:

In the top-right menu, you have several options to work with the image:


Next to the triple-bar Table of Contents icon, in the top-left, you should see a Compass icon. Click on the Compass and then Visualizations. You will then have the option to visualize the Media connections or Tags in a network graph. Give it a try!

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Contents of this path: